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Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Tourkow, Benjamin Physician - Radiology Medicine CC12835 Medicine | Radiology University $346,256.00 50%
Witt, Taylor Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $38,062.50 50%
Schrickel, Brooke Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $324,937.00 50%
Gallagher, Ryan Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $324,937.00 50%
Hackett, Caitlin Physician - Radiology Medicine CC12835 Medicine | Radiology University $323,701.00 50%
Klonk, Ian Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $37,746.00 50%
Martin, Mike Physician - Radiology Medicine CC12835 Medicine | Radiology University $323,701.00 50%
Chan, Kelvin Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $361,809.00 50%
Crowder, Ben Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $323,701.00 50%
Salvador, Anthony Physician - Radiology Medicine CC12835 Medicine | Radiology University $326,119.00 50%
Lateef, Shahmeer Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $37,746.00 50%
Nicksic, Michael Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $37,746.00 50%
APPIAH-KUBI, EMMANUEL Physician - Radiology Medicine CC12835 Medicine | Radiology University $293,644.00 50%
Pandharipande, Pari Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $330,325.00 50%
Webb, Chrystal Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $361,809.00 50%
ONeal, Daniel Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $361,809.00 50%
Chauhan, Nirav Physician - Radiology Health Sciences CC12912 Health Sciences | FGP Radiology Health System $37,746.00 50%

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.